Beck & Luke

Remember me telling you about how I get to hang out with the coolest kids? These brothers are two more of them! Their mom happens to work with me at the preschool too! I seriously couldn't ask for a better work environment or to be surrounded by better people (and their spectacular kids!)


We met at a playground and I basically just followed these guys around while they were playing. Although, Beck should be model, because every time I got near him with my camera, he would pose and smile perfectly. This kid is crazy photogenic.  


And then there's Beck's little brother Luke. He is hilarious. He wanted nothing to do with my camera, he just wanted to climb on the playground and chase his big brother around. But that doesn't mean he's not STINKING adorable. And we finally got him to ham it up for me, after a lot of singing and dancing and me making Minion noises. (BA-NA-NA!)


These boys are so sweet. I love watching siblings play together!  


I hope these two will always be so sweet to eachother (even though that's probably wishful thinking, right?) But guaranteed, Luke will spend most of his childhood trying to catch up to his big brother Beck. :)  


- Molly