You may be sick of the amount of cute kids I keep posting about by now, but...wait, who could ever get sick of looking at pictures of the most adorable kids in the world? (And that's my completely unbiased opinion, honest!)
These siblings are no exception. Lillyana and Caden are the most adventurous subjects I've had, and during their shoot we all went swimming with our clothes on, it was great.
Lillyana was in my preschool class last year, and she is a girl after my own heart. She may wear dresses and bows (because who could turn down a good dress?) but she is also the first person to find the dirt/mud/messiest thing around and jump headfirst into it, which I love about her. I also love that her mom appreciates this about her daughter. No matter how many times we sent Lillyana home with mud stained clothes, her mom would just smile and say, "that's my kid!"
She is also a FANTASTIC big sister, and has passed on her brave explorer ways to her little brother Caden.
Caden, from what I've seen, is a little more mellow that his big sis, but definitely just as willing to dive into messy situations. He waded into the ocean water in his clothes without a second thought! I tell you, the kid is fearless.
He then proceeded to just plop down and look like a baby GQ model without even trying. He was, however, trying to eat the sand. (I get it, bud, I was a sand-eater once too. I even swallowed a rock once, but that's a story for another day.) But just look at that face!!
These two were so sweet together, and we so content to just play in the sand and water with eachother.
So here's to our older siblings who taught us to be brave, swimming with all your clothes on, and mommas who don't mind kids getting messy.
- Molly